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Illusion Connect Banners

Banners work slightly different in Illusion Connect. Instead of them being global events available to everyone, they are account based.

This means that every account will have access to the same banners at some point, and no one will miss out on one. An important thing to know, as banners are the best way to obtain specific heroes.

This is the set banner rotation for the global version of Illusion Connect.

Illusion Connect Banner Types

There are 2 banner types in Illusion Connect — Rate Up & Selected.

The main difference between them is that Selected banners have a pity system that will guarantee that you obtain the main unit for that banner within 70 pulls. It also guarantees one SSR within 20 pulls.

Selective also has a base higher (40%) chance for the main unit. However, they’re also more expensive and require special “Selected Tickets” to draw.

Illusion Connect Banners

Here’s the list of banners.

Confused Heart

Units: Fenebeth (20%) Ashwaya (20%)
When: Week 1
Type: Rate Up Banner

Noble Knight

Units: Miyuki (25%) Kiraya (25%)
When: Week 1
Type: Rate Up Banner

Selected Tactic: Innovation

Units: Maki (40%) Barinas (20%) Selena (20%) Gagaku (20%)
When: Day 4
Type: Selected Banner

Canaan Expedition

Units: Hersey (25%), Barinas (25%)
When: Week 2
Type: Rate Up BannER

Second Prophecy

Units: Yuffie (25%), Vivian (25%)
When: Week 2
Type: Rate Up Banner

Selected Tactic: Resolution

Units: Angela (40%), Miyuki (20%), Kiraya (20%), Yuffie (20%)
When: Day 11
Type: Selected Banner

Blessing of the Curse

Units: Fennebeth (25%), Selena (25%)
When: Week 4
Type: Rate Up Banner

Nightmare & Reincarnation

Units: Gagaku (25%), Ashwaya (25%)
When: Week 4
Type: Rate Up Banne

Selected Tactic: Majestic Blade

Units: Kasumi (40%), Hersey (20%), Miyuki (20%), Vivian (20%)
When: Day 18
Type: Selected Banner

Sword of Reincarnation

Units: Kiraya (25%), Yuffie (25%)
When: Week 5
Type: Rate Up Banner

Canaan Expedition 2

Units: Vivian (25%), Barinas (25%)
When: Week 5
Type: Rate Up Banner

Selected Tactic: The Flawless

Units: Anna (40%), Gagaku (20%), Kiraya (20%), Fenebeth (20%)
When: Day 25
Type: Selected Banner


Wednesday 13th of October 2021

I've been on the game for three months and haven't seen edward one time but they recycle other people very frustrating.