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Studs x10 Cheat Code In LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

Studs are the In-game currency of LEGO Star Wars. Here’s how you can get the Studs x10 cheat code in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga.

Studs x10 Cheat Code In LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is a critically acclaimed game receiving praise from both reviewers and players alike. Players will be able to roam around in all 9 movies released in Skywalker Saga. LEGO Star Wars is full of secrets and collectibles, and Studs is the in-game currency. You will need to buy things in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. 

If you are bored of the vanilla experience, LEGO Stars Wars offers unlockable cheats to enhance your experience. These cheats can have different effects, from exploding blaster bolts to unlocking the characters early that are usually available in the late game. One of the most desirable cheats is the Studs x10 multiplier.

Stud multipliers increase the number of Studs you get as a reward. Unfortunately, there is no physical cheat code for 10x Studs multiplier in LEGO Star Wars. Instead, Studs x10 is a purchasable item. You will need 384,000,000 Studs and 1 Datacard to obtain Studs x10 multiplier.

Why Do You Need To Get Studs x10 Multiplier?

LEGO Star Wars has a huge collection of items to obtain. If you are looking to get them, you must have a lot of Studs, the in-game currency. The Studs multiplier increases the number of Studs that you will pick up. So, these multipliers are one the must-have cheats in LEGO Star Wars. If you stack these Stud multipliers, it can lead to unlimited Studs.

How To Get The Studs x10 Multiplier in LEGO Star Wars?

You will have to unlock the previous multipliers before unlocking the Studs x10 multiplier. Here’s how you can get the Studs x10 multiplier.

Unlocking The Studs x10 Multiplier Cheat Code

There are two types of cheat codes in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga. One type is where you will enter a cheat code to unlock content, and the other is unlocked by purchasing the cheat using Studs and Datacards in the Extras menu. The Studs x10 is the second type of cheat code.

Studs x10 Cheat Code In LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

You need to have 1 Datacard and 384 million Studs to get the Studs x10 cheat code. 384 million Studs seem overwhelming and unattainable, but you will be able to unlock other Stud multipliers as they go in order to make the process much quicker than it might initially seem.

There are five different multiplier numbers, x2, x4, x6, x8, and x10. The first step is to get the Studs x2 multiplier to start earning increased rewards. You will need 1 Datacard and 1,000,000 studs to unlock the x2 Studs multiplier. You can get an easy Datacard from Tatooine in the Jundland Wastes. You’ll unlock this area after completing Level 1 in Episode 4: A New Hope.

Subsequently, the higher multipliers will cost more to unlock. You will need 1 Datacard and 2 million Studs to get the x4 multiplier, and for x6 multiplier, you need to have 8,000,000 Studs and 1 Datacard. The Studs x8 will cost 48 million Studs and 1 Datacard. There are a total of 19 Datacards that you can obtain in LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga.

How To Farm Studs In LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga?

If you stack all the multipliers, you will get 30 times the Studs as compared to no multiplier activated. Here is how you can farm Studs. You can also stack the multipliers to get the maximum Studs. 

Head To Coruscant

You need to unlock this area and Rancor from Star Wars Episode 6: Return of the Jedi. Turn on all the Studs multipliers and head towards the Federal District. Walk around the Federal District and keep on smashing objects. Be sure to collect the dropped the Studs. You can also upgrade Studs multipliers Datacard to get more rewards.

Studs x10 Cheat Code In LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga

You will be able to get over 1 billion Studs in five minutes if you have all the multipliers activated. You can also try “Now This is Podracing from Episode I” – The Phantom Menace. You will be able to earn a huge sum of Studs from these flying levels very quickly.

If you’re looking for gaming content, we also have game codes for free in-game content, tier lists for heroes and weapons, and general gaming guides.

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga is available to play on PC via Steam.