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Elden Ring Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution

Elden Ring is full of puzzles and hidden secrets. Follow this guide to find the Converted Fringe Tower puzzle solution.

Elden Ring Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution

Elden Ring features a massive open world and secrets to unravel at every corner. Elden Ring, in a classic FromSoftware fashion, implements puzzles in such a way that, if you are not paying attention to every item, you will have no idea how to solve certain puzzles. Some puzzles also require you to have additional items to solve them. 

Most of the Towers and Rises in the Elden Ring require solving a puzzle to break the entrance seal. The Converted Fringe Tower is in the very northeast of Liurnia of Lakes region. You will have to solve a very odd puzzle to break the magic seal blocking the entrance to the tower.  Here’s how you can solve this puzzle.

Upon entering the Converted Fringe Tower, the entrance will be blocked by a magical seal, and there will be a message on the ground “May erudition light the way!”. You need to obtain a Glintstone Crown and Erudition Gesture to break the magic barrier.

Why Solve The Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle?

You can find two sorceries at the top of the Converted Fringe Tower after breaking the seal. Gavel of Haima and Cannon of Haima both deal great amounts of damage, and you must have both sorceries if you are a spellcaster.

How To Solve The Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle?

You will need a Glintstone Crown and Erudition Gesture to solve this puzzle; here is how you can get both as soon as possible.

How To Obtain a Glintstone Crown?

You will need either one of these Karolos Glintstone Crown, Lazuli Glintstone Crown, Olivinus Glintstone Crown, Twinsage Glintstone Crown, and Witch’s Glintstone Crown to solve the puzzle. The easiest of which can be found in Laya Lucaria Academy in the Liurnia of Lakes region.

Elden Ring Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution

From the Debate Parlor Site of Grace, step into the courtyard. Continue moving along the left side of the wall. You will find a Crystallized Crab in the corner near the wandering noble. Kill the Crystallized Crab and loot the Karolos Glintstone Crown of the body. Karolos Glintstone Crown also increases intelligence to the detriment of stamina.

How To Learn The Erudition Gesture?

You can get the Erudition Gesture by giving Thops the Seconds Academy Glintstone Key. Thops can be found at Church of Irith, and you will encounter him on your way to Liurnia of Lakes. He will not accept the key if you give him your Academy Glintstone Key, as he will tell you it is the only way into Raya Lucaria Academy.

Elden Ring Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution

To obtain another Key, you will have to head back to Raya Lucaria Academy. From the Debate Parlor Site of Grace head out the gate and go up the stairs on the right. Kill all the enemies and look to your left and jump over the railing. Climb the stairs that are in front of you. At the top of it, you need to once again turn to the left and jump over another railing to land on a rooftop.

Keep on moving forward until you encounter two mechanical enemies. Look to the building on the right with the ledge. Here, you can see a stair heading up. Climb this ladder. On top, you will face multiple enemies. Kill all the enemies and jump from the right side to the ledge below.

Elden Ring Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution

Continue moving ahead until you reach the roof of Church of Cuckoo. Use the window to get on the rafters. As soon as you enter, you will be able to see a chandelier with a corpse hanging. Carefully get onto the chandelier and loot the key from the corpse. 

Elden Ring Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution

After obtaining the second Academy Glintstone Key. Fast travel back to Church of Irith and give Thops the second key, and he will teach you the Erudition gesture.

How To Solve The Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle?

Elden Ring Converted Fringe Tower Puzzle Solution

After obtaining a Glintstone Crown and learning the Erudition gesture, head back to the Tower. Equip the Glintstone Crown and perform the gesture in front of the maiden statue. The Glintstone Crown will glow, and the magic seal will disappear. Now, you can enter the tower.

Looking for more Elden Ring content? Here are some of our other guides for the game:

Elden Ring is available to play on Steam.