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WoTLK Classic Hunter Pre-Raid BiS Gear (Phase 1)

Here’s our WoTLK Classic Hunter Pre-Raid BiS gear guide for Phase 1. This includes Survival, Marksmanship, and Beast Master. Find out which gear is the best to aim for before heading into raids!

If you’re playing a hunter in WotLK Classic, then also check out WoTLK Classic Hunter Reputation Gear Priority and WoTLK Classic Hunter Hit Cap.

WoTLK Classic Hunter Pre-Raid BiS Gear

WoTLK Classic Hunter Pre-Raid BiS Gear – Phase 1

This is the set of gear that you’ll be farming before entering the raids that will be active in phase 1, such as Naxxramas, The Obsidian Sanctum, and The Eye of Eternity.

Many of the items come from Heroic dungeons which can only be done once per day, so you’re not likely to get them all before the raids are released. However, some items are also from reputation rewards and crafting. How much you need of this will really depend upon the buffed difficulty of these raids in WoTLK Classic.

Also, note that you should probably hang on to all pieces of gear with hit rating so that when you get upgraded without it in T7 raids you can still achieve the hit cap.

Important: Items bought with emblems might not be available to buy until the raids are released (makes sense).


  1. Plunderer’s Helmet (BiS) – Ingvar the Plunderer (Heroic Utgarde Keep)
  2. Truesight Ice Blinders (BiS if Engineer) – Engineering Skill: 440
  3. King Dred’s Helm (Hit Rating) – King Dred (Heroic Drak’Tharon Keep)
  4. Helmet of the Shrine – Eck the Ferocious (Heroic Gundrak)
  5. Toothslice Helm – Oracles Reputation: Revered


  1. Pendant of the Outcast Hero (BiS) – 25 x Emblem of Heroism
  2. Titanium Impact Choker (Alt BiS) – BoE: Jewelcrafting (Skill 440)
  3. Necklace of Arcane Spheres – Xevozz (Heroic Violet Hold)
  4. Necklace of the Chrono-Lord – Chrono-Lord Epoch (Heroic The Culling of Stratholme)
  5. The Severed Noose of Westwind – Quest: The Admiral Revealed


  1. Spaulders of the Abomination (BiS) – Meathook (Heroic The Culling of Stratholme)
  2. Spaulders of the Black Arrow (Alt Bis) – Ebon Blade Reputation: Revered
  3. Massive Spaulders of the Jormungar (Hit Rating) – Gortok Palehoof (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle)
  4. Virulent Spaulders – BoE: Leatherworking (Skill 425)


  1. Cloak of the Gushing Wound (BiS) – Erekem (Heroic Violet Hold, bosses rotate daily)
  2. Cloak of Holy Extermination (Alt BiS) – Argent Crusade Reputation: Honored
  3. Centrifuge Core Cloak (Alt BiS – Survival) – Varos Cloudstride (Normal Oculus)
  4. Ice Striker’s Cloak – BoE: Leatherworking (Skill Level 450)
  5. Shroud of Reverberation – Volkhan (Heroic Halls of Lightning)


  1. Polished Regimental Hauberk (BiS) – Argent Crusade Reputation: Exalted
  2. Heroes’ Cryptstalker Tunic (Alt BiS – Survival) – 80 x Emblem of Heroism
  3. Hauberk of the Arcane Wraith (Alt BiS – MM) – Anomalus (Heroic Nexus)
  4. Aviary Guardsman’s Hauberk – BoE: Random Drop (Heroic Drak’Tharon Keep)
  5. Razorstrike Breastplate – BoE: Leatherworking (Skill Level 430)


  1. Handgrips of the Savage Emissary (BiS) – Cyanigosa (Heroic Violet Hold)
  2. Heroes’ Cryptstalker Handguards (Alt BiS) – 60 x Emblem of Heroism
  3. Gauntlets of the Plundering Geist – Prince Taldaram (Heroic Old Kingdom)
  4. Gilt-Edged Leather Gauntlets (Leather, Hit Rating) – King Ymiron (Utgarde Pinnacle)
  5. Grips of the Beast God (Hit Rating) – Gal’darah (Heroic Gundrak)


  1. Vereesa’s Silver Chain Belt (BiS) – 40 x Emblem of Heroism
  2. Sovereign’s Belt (Alt BiS) – King Ymiron (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle)
  3. Cord of Swirling Winds – Ionar (Heroic Halls of Lightning)
  4. Belt of Tasseled Lanterns – BoE Random Drop (Heroic Gundrak)
  5. Giant Ring Belt – Sons of Hodir Reputation: Honored


  1. Leggings of the Stone Halls (BiS) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper (Heroic Halls of Stone)
  2. Azure Ringmail Leggings (Alt BiS) – Varos Cloudstrider (Heroic Oculus)
  3. Giantmaim Legguards (Alt BiS) – BoE Leatherworking (Skill Level 440)
  4. Hollowed Mandible Legplates – Hadronox (Heroic Azjol-Nerub)


  1. Twin-Headed Boots (BiS) – Lavanthor (Heroic Violet Hold)
  2. Dragon Slayer’s Sabatons (Alt BiS) – Keristrasza (Heroic Nexus)
  3. Dragonstompers – BoE Leatherworking (Skill Level 415)



  1. Band of the Kirin Tor (BiS) – 8,500 Gold – (Bought from Harold Winston in Dalaran)
  2. Titanium Impact Band (BiS) – BoE Jewelcrafting (Skill Level 430)
  3. Mobius Band(Alt BiS) Chrono-Lord Epoch (Heroic The Culling of Stratholme)
  4. Hemorrhaging Circle(Alt BiS, has expertise, but still good) Heroic Gundrak (Gal’darah)
  5. Signet of Edward the Odd – BoE Epic World Drop
  6. Stained-Glass Shard Ring – BoE Rare World Drop
  7. Ring of Scarlet Shadows – BoE: Jewelcrafting (Skill Level 420)


Note: There’s a big gap between BiS and Alt BiS here.

  1. Darkmoon Card: Greatness (BiS All of T7) – BoE or from turning in Nobles Deck (requires Darkmoon Faire active)
  2. Mirror of Truth (BiS) – 40 x Emblem of Heroism
  3. Incisor Fragment(Alt BiS) King Dred (Heroic Drak’Tharon Keep)
  4. Sphere of Red Dragon’s Blood (BiS, Hit Rating)– Keristrasza (Heroic Nexus)
  5. Meteorite Whetstone (Alt BiS)– King Ymiron (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle)
  6. Vestige of Haldor – King Ymiron (Heroic Utgarde Pinnacle)
  7. Fezzik’s PocketwatchThe Last Line Of Defense
  8. Gnomish Lightning Generator – Requires Engineering 425
  9. Figurine – Emerald Boar – Requires Jewelcrafting 400
  10. Mighty Alchemist’s Stone – Requires Alchemy 400
  11. Frenzyheart Insignia of Fury – Frenzyheart Tribe Reputation: Exalted
  12. Oracle Talisman of Ablution – Oracles Reputation: Exalted
  13. Darkmoon Card: Death – BoE or from turning in Nobles Deck (requires Darkmoon Faire active)

Ranged Weapon

  1. Drake-Mounted Crossbow (BiS) – Ingvar the Plunderer (Heroic Utgarde Keep)
  2. Nesingwary 4000 (Alt BiS) – BoE: Engineering
  3. Pierce’s Pistol (Alt BiS) – Mal’Ganis (Heroic Culling)
  4. Zombie Sweeper Shotgun (Alt BiS) – Argent Crusade Reputation: Revered
  5. Titanium Compound Bow (Alt BiS) – Herald Volazj (Heroic Old Kingdom)
  6. Amanitar Skullbow – Amanitar (Heroic Old Kingdom)
  7. Trophy Gatherer – Gortok Palehoof (Normal Utgarde Pinnacle)

Melee Weapon

  1. Runeblade of Demonstrable Power (BiS) – Ebon Blade Reputation: Revered
  2. Lightning Giant Staff (Alt BiS) – Loken (Heroic Halls of Lightning)
  3. Staff of Trickery (Alt BiS) – Cyanigosa (Heroic Violet Hold)
  4. Whale-Stick Harpoon – Kalu’ak Reputation: Revered
  5. Icier Barbed Spear – Quest: The Champion of Anguish
  6. Colossal Skull-Clad Cleaver – Loken Heroic (Halls of Lightning)
  7. Edge of Oblivion – Jedoga Shadowseeker (Heroic Old Kingdom)
  8. Wyrmclaw Battleaxe – Cache of Eregos (Normal Oculus)

And that’s our complete WoTLK Classic Hunter Pre-Raid BiS Gear guide for phase 1 of WotLK Classic. Looking for more WoTLK Classic content? Here’s some of our other guides: