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How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft (1.19)

Wondering how to find Buried Treasure in Minecraft? Let’s find out!

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

Did you know that there is actually a buried treasure in Minecraft? Not a single one, but a lot of them! And today, we will show you how to find buried treasure in Minecraft! So prepare for the rich!

What is Buried Treasure in Minecraft?

As its name suggests, buried treasure in Minecraft is just a chest buried deep underground. So what is so special about it?

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

Buried treasures contain a lot of different valuable loots such as diamonds, golds, emeralds, iron ingots, and especially, the heart of the sea item. Which you can obtain instantly by the time you dig it up.

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

Like any pirate tale in the world, the only way to lead you to buried treasure is through the map, specifically, the treasure map!

Obtain a Treasure Map

Since update 1.13, the aquatic life of Minecraft is much more diverse than ever. With that being said, many shipwrecks were added to the game to provide materials to players.

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

To look for those shipwrecks, you must take a sail to the large ocean and try looking for them. Most of the shipwrecks in Minecraft are sunk underwater. Some rarely spawn on the land, however.

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

Besides other goodies, you can find 1x treasure map in the map chest located inside the shipwreck.

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

Alternatively, you can also find a treasure map in loot chests in the underwater ruins. They have less chance to contain the map and are more dangerous to get.

Find Buried Treasure using a Treasure Map

When you have the treasure map, put it in your hot bar and press the corresponding number to select it. You will start seeing the map frame with a red mark X, as well as the white dot on the map.

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

The white icon is your location and the red mark is the buried treasure’s location. It’s quite easy to read the map. If you see the white icon at the bottom edge of the map, head north. And so on! You can press F3 to see the direction you’re heading as in the picture below.

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

In Java Edition, you can always find buried treasure at the coordinate of 9X and 9Z of the chunk. In Bedrock Edition, it’s at 8 instead. And this formula applies to every buried treasure.

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

Dig the Buried Treasure

How to Find Buried Treasure in Minecraft

Once you’ve located the buried treasure’s location, simply dig down to reveal it. Most of the time, the buried treasure will be hidden under beaches. And sometimes, it may be buried deep under the ocean.

FAQs about Buried Treasure in Minecraft

How far down is buried treasure in Minecraft?

On average, 40 are the blocks you need to dig down before seeing the buried treasure. This number may change depending on the biome and terrain the treasure is located at. So make sure to prepare a shovel and some torches as well!

What is the easiest way to find buried treasure in Minecraft?

You can just check the coordinates of 8 or 9 and dig every single chunk to find buried treasure. But that’s kinda hopeless compared to finding a treasure map.

Can a treasure chest be under stone?

Buried treasure can be under the sand, sandstone, or even stone. So if you think you already come to the right place, just create a tunnel down!


So you know how to find buried treasure in Minecraft! It’s time to use the heart of the sea to make the conduit and start exploring the ocean!

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