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V Rising: Change Dedicated Private Server Settings

Rising is one of the best aRPGs that you can play solo or with friends. Here’s our complete V Rising: change dedicated private server settings guide.

V Rising is the most recent phenomenon in the MMO genre that took the gaming world by storm while still being in early access. V Rising can be played solo or with a group of friends. You play as a weak vampire waking up from a deep slumber, and as you progress further, you will become progressively stronger. As of now, V Rising is only available on PC.

You can also set up a dedicated private server with personalized settings to play with your friends and elevate your experience. You can either rent a server from different services or set it up yourself. Setting up a dedicated server yourself can be quite tricky if you are not a tech savvy person. You can also host a local server for your friends to join.

V Rising: Change Dedicated Private Server Settings

V Rising dedicated private server settings can be changed by editing the “ServerGameSettings.json” file to change various game settings within your server. You can also modify the “ServerHostSettings.json” file to change settings about the server itself. Both files are located in the V Rising folder in the Steam game directory.

Why Do You Need To Change Dedicated Private Server Settings?

After going through the hassle of setting up a server, you would want to have an optimal experience. That’s where the server settings come in. You can edit almost every aspect of the game according to your liking. You set the parameters and rules. 

You can change the time of the day, change the time it takes to convert a Servant or set the time a castle can be under attack. All of this can be done on your server. You also can set up the private server to be either PvP or PvE focused, as well as assign admins and ban players from joining your server.

How To Change Dedicated Private Server Settings?

You need to install Notepad++, a text editing program, which is better than what comes with Windows pre-installed. 

Changing Dedicated Private Server Settings

To change server settings, go into the V Rising folder in your Steam games directory.

“Steam>steamapps>common>VRising>VRising_Server>VRisingServer_Data>StreamingAssets>Settings” Follow the path, and you will have all the files in the Settings folder to change dedicated server settings. 

V Rising: Change Dedicated Private Server Settings

You can edit the “ServerGameSettings.json” file to change various game settings within your server. This file contains all the relevant info related to the server settings. However, before editing this settings file, make sure that no one currently on the server is changing the file while someone is one the server may corrupt files for them.

And if you want to change the server setting, you need to edit the “ServerHostSettings.json” file to change settings about the server itself. You can modify over 50+ different settings and various parameters ranging from BloodDrainageModifiers and ResearchCostModifier to VampireStatModifiers and everything in-between.

How To Host Locally in V Rising?

If you want to play with your friends without going through the hassle of setting up a dedicated private server or renting one from an online service like Gportal, for which you will have to pay a monthly fee. You can host a session locally on your game file, and your friends can join you.

Hosting Locally in V Rising

While hosting locally, you can play with up to four players. It is also very simple and easy. To host, press play and then go to “Private Game”. Now, you can tweak all the advanced server settings according to your liking. You can also set a password here, so only the people with the password or those you invite can join. 

Click “Start”, “Make a Character”, and load. Now friends will be able to join you. You can also join your friend’s session by going into Online Play and entering the name of the server. You can connect to a server by using the button on the bottom row of the screen, but you will need the IP address of the host server.

Looking for more V Rising guides? Here are some topics we’ve also covered about the game:

Not played V Rising yet? It can be found on Steam for a pretty cheap price! Keep in mind that it’s still early access, so it’s not a fully complete game.